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Connect Pages to Your Location

How to add pages to the location and who can manage the pages?

Roxy avatar
Written by Roxy
Updated over a week ago

Location owners, clients, and admins can add pages to a location. How should you start? It's pretty simple!

  1. Go to the location settings, find the Connected Pages and Teammates section, and scroll down to the Connect More Pages button.

     2. Once clicked, you will be prompted with the social platforms to connect:

  • Facebook (business pages and groups);

  • Twitter;

  • Instagram (personal and business);

  • LinkedIn (personal profiles and business pages);

  • Pinterest boards (personal and business);

  • Google Business Profile locations;

  • TikTok

3. Сlicking any one of these will trigger a permission pop-up. Once permission is granted, there will emerge a list of your pages (pages that you manage, pages where you are an admin). Choose the necessary one, and it will be added to the location instantly. Feel free to use the search.

Good! Now you see the page listed both in the Calendar and in the location settings. As an Owner or Admin, you can change the page settings or disconnect it.

There are 3 important factors to note when adding pages to a location:

  • Once a page is within a specific location, you can't connect it to another one.

  • The number of locations to create or participate in is unlimited, but not the number of pages. Originally, when subscribing to a particular plan, you were given a specific number of pages limit to connect. It means that a newly added page to any location decreases the total page limit. For example, within the Agency plan, you can add 30 social pages. If you add one page to any location, there will be 29 pages left to add.

  • If you participate in a location as a member or an admin, pages within there are counted as yours, so you can't connect more.

If you have any additional questions, please contact your Success Manager or Support team at [email protected].

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