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Overview of Inbox for Facebook

Manage incoming communication with your customers on Facebook

Kate avatar
Written by Kate
Updated over 10 months ago

Now you can easily manage all your messages, comments, and questions in one place. Use every opportunity to interact with your audience and increase your Facebook engagement.

All you need to do is to authorize SocialPost on Facebook to receive and answer any incoming communication from this business page, select the type of incoming communication in the drop-down list, and sort it by chronological order, reviewed first or unreviewed first. Any type of communication is presented per page.

PromoRepublic's Inbox is available for Facebook business pages. It covers:

  • Page direct messages

  • Comments

  • Questions

How does it work?

Select the type of incoming communication in the drop-down list: All, Comments, Direct messages, Questions.

You can apply one type at a time or all of them. Any type of communication is presented per page. Inbox isn't available for multiple pages.

The second important step is to authorize SocialPost on Facebook to actually receive and answer to any incoming communication from your business page by tapping on the appropriate button.

Clicking the Authorize button will open up a Facebook permission box of the following kind. Click Continue as [your profile name] and the rest of the steps.

In case the inbox part is empty even though there are recent comments or messages, check the Business Integrations as advised.

Open Business Integrations in Facebook's settings or follow this link. Find SocialPost, then tap View and Edit. You'll see a list of different permissions, such as 'Manage and access Page conversations in Messenger', 'Manage comments on your Page', etc, so scroll down for more. Make sure the necessary page is ticked.

Once the page is authorized, you may also want to sort the chosen communication by:

  • Default

  • Reviewed first

  • Unreviewed first

Default means a chronological order.

Reviewed first means that the chosen type of conversation will appear in chronological order, though the dialogues that were answered or marked manually as reviewed will appear first. When you answer a message in the PromoRepublic interface, it will be marked with a green checkmark (marked as reviewed) automatically.

If it was answered on the Facebook page natively, the message or comment or review won't be marked with a green checkmark.

Unreviewed first means that the dialogues that were not answered or marked manually as unreviewed will appear first in chronological order. And reviewed dialogues will appear afterwards.

A blue dot signifies that the communication wasn't open in the PromoRepublic interface even if it was seen and processed in Facebook natively. To mark a message, comment, or review as processed, tap on the tick sign on the right, and it'll become green.


In the conversation list on the left, you can see first-level and second-level comments as separate entities. Upon clicking on a comment in the left side list you'll see the thread on the right.

The comments' functionality works so that each new comment will automatically create a new conversation in a conversation list regardless of the level. The purpose is to ensure that any of the incoming conversions is not left unnoticed.

Second-level comments are indicated in a thread by a vertical line from the first-level comment. The dialogue screen allows you to navigate through the entire conversation thread and reply on any level.

At any time, you can jump to the Facebook interface directly to answer and view the conversation.

Direct Messages

As mentioned, you can answer direct messages on your Facebook business page in PromoRepublic.

IMPORTANT: The Facebook API restricts responding to a direct message in the PromoRepublic interface more than 7 days after the message was received and deleting direct messages. 

According to Facebook rules, you can send private messages " anyone who has sent a message to your Page." In other words, you can't initiate the conversation from your end - you can only send a message to someone who contacted you via private message earlier. However, you can reply to a comment in a private message.

It is possible to send the attached PNG and JPEG files by clicking on the picture icon.

We don't support the GIF format. Such an image won't be shown in the PromoRepublic interface. For example, if you send a GIF solely without any text, the message will be empty, as shown below.

We hope this was helpful!

If you have any further questions, please contact us at [email protected].

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