Reporting for Instagram

Audience metrics: growth, engagement, impressions, demographics.

Kate avatar
Written by Kate
Updated over a week ago

We provide audience and content reporting for Instagram business pages. The maximum audience look-back period is 12 months. It means that you can't export analytics for a period of time older than one year. Below there is a detailed explanation of each supported metric.

  1. Followers - the number of followers you gained during the reporting period.

  2. Engagement - the number of times when people liked and commented on your posts as a result of user interaction without paid advertising.

  3. Impressions - the number of times all of your posts were shown to a user during the reporting period. It includes both organic and paid activities. It does not include profile visitors.

Audience Growth

  1. New followers - the number of followers you gained during the reporting period.

  2. Lost followers - the number of followers that you lost during the reporting period.

  3. Net new followers - the net number of followers you acquired minus churned followers during the reporting period.

  4. Total followers - the number of followers you had on the last day of the reporting period since the account creation date.

  5. Total change - the variation of followers who started following your Instagram compared to the previously selected period.


  1. Total engagement - the total number of likes, comments, and saves received during the reporting period.

  2. Likes - the number of times users liked your posts. This includes organic activity only.

  3. Comments - the number of times users commented on your posts during the reporting period. This includes organic activity only.

  4. Saves - the number of times users saved your posts during the reporting period.

  5. Total change - the variation of the total engagement compared to the previously selected period.



  1. Total impressions - number of times all of your posts were displayed to a user during the reporting period. It includes both organic and paid activity. It does not include profile visitors.

  2. Total users reached - number of unique accounts that have seen this profile. It includes both paid and organic activity.

  3. Total change - the variation of the total impressions compared to the previously selected period.


To receive demographics for a business Instagram account, you need at least 100 followers.

  1. By age - the number of followers by age, based on the user-provided information.

  2. By gender - the percentage of followers by gender, based on the user-provided information.

  3. Top countries - the number of followers located in each country.

  4. Top cities - the number of followers located in each city.

To learn about content performance metrics, head over to this help article.

If you have any additional questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us at [email protected].

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