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Unsubscribe From Emails

How can I unsubscribe from PromoRepublic emails?

Roxy avatar
Written by Roxy
Updated over a week ago

Unsubscribe from marketing emails via email footer

  1. Open any PromoRepublic email.

  2. Scroll to the footer of the email.

  3. Click on the Unsubscribe button.

  4. You will be directed to a page where you can tap Opt-Out for certain preferences or all types.

  5. Don't forget to save your changes.

⭕ Note: This method unsubscribes you from educational and marketing emails, but you will still receive product emails.

Unsubscribe from Product Emails via PromoRepublic Account Settings

  1. Log into Your PromoRepublic Account.

  2. Go to your account settings by clicking on the top right corner.

  3. Tick off the boxes as shown to unsubscribe from product emails and reminders.

Note: You might still receive several messages scheduled for the current week.

Unsubscribe from Facebook Bot

To unsubscribe from our bot on Facebook, type UNSUBSCRIBE in capitals.

Custom Plan Adjustments

You can request email and notification customization to fit your needs if you have a custom plan. You can adjust the marketing and educational schedule as well as decide which roles receive which notifications:

  • Post Added

  • Post Edited

  • Post Approved

  • Post Not Approved (system)

  • Post Not Published (system)

  • Comment Added

  • Comment Resolved

  • Comment Deleted

  • Note Added

  • FB Ad Not Published (system)

  • Inbox DM Received (Instagram)

  • Review Added

  • Review Unanswered

  • Review Count Spike

If you have any additional questions, please reach out to us at [email protected].

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