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Connect a Facebook Group
Connect a Facebook Group

Install the SocialPost app in the group settings

Kate avatar
Written by Kate
Updated over a week ago

Meta will discontinue the Facebook Groups API on April 22, 2024, which means PromoRepublic will cease to manage posts in Facebook Groups for you. We’re exploring alternatives, including possibly completing posts through mobile app notifications.

When connecting a Facebook group, there sets the connection between your Facebook and PromoRepublic accounts. This is what we call a token. It means that a specific Facebook profile gets associated with your PromoRepublic account.

To check what Facebook profile is associated with your PromoRepublic account, click on the top right corner, tap Settings in the drop-down list, and you will see the name at the bottom.

It is not possible to associate a specific PromoRepublic account with several Facebook accounts as well as it is not possible to associate a specific Facebook profile with several Promorepublic accounts.

When it comes to connecting Facebook groups check that your Facebook personal profile is assigned an Admin role on these pages. It is essential that you're authorized in this profile at on the computer.

Here is a typical flow on how to connect a Facebook group to PromoRepublic.

1. Whether you're in the location settings or in the Calendar, click on the Connect button and select Facebook.

2. It will trigger a pop-up window asking you to allow SocialPost to access your Facebook account information. Click Continue as [your Facebook profile name]. And follow the rest of the steps.

3. Click Continue.

4. Pick the necessary group in the drop-down list or use the search and click Connect.

5. It is crucial that you authorize SocialPost in this particular group by clicking on the blue button in the middle.

It will direct you to the group settings where you'll need to add SocialPost. Scroll down to the very bottom, find the Apps section, and do the four steps below as shown:

1) Click on the pencil icon;

2) Click on the blue Add Apps button;

3) Type in the app name in the search bar - SocialPost (one word without space);

4) Hit Add.

5. Go back to PromoRepublic and Close the window.

In case you don't see the necessary group on the list, head over to this guide.

If you have any further questions, please reach us at [email protected].

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