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Posting to Instagram Personal via Mobile Notifications
Posting to Instagram Personal via Mobile Notifications

How can I post to Instagram through PromoRepublic? (Android version)

Kate avatar
Written by Kate
Updated over a month ago


There are 3 account types in Instagram: Personal, Creator, and Professional.

πŸ”΄ According to their API, automatic posting is supported for Professional and Creator accounts but not personal ones, unfortunately.

πŸ‘‰ Please note that auto-posting of stories is supported for Business accounts but not for Creator ones.

Posting to Instagram personal pages through PromoRepublic means posting manually through the mobile app. If you're interested in automatic posting, we suggest converting your personal Instagram page to a business (Professional) type, as explained in this guide.

Connect Instagram Personal

To connect an Instagram Personal page to PromoRepublic, you will need the account’s link. You can find it in the web address line at the top of the page at

  1. Open the PromoRepublic platform, go to the Calendar section, and select the option to connect an Instagram Personal.

  2. Open, find your account and copy the URL link as shown below.

  3. In the connection interface on our platform, enter the page link in the designated field and hit β€˜Connect.’

πŸ‘‰ Depending on the page's privacy and visibility settings, the link may appear as the page name and number of followers or a direct URL.

Note: There is no difference between Instagram Personal, Business and Creator, so you can add a link to any Instagram account to use manual publishing workflow.

As you can see in the calendar, we offer two connection options: Instagram Personal and Instagram Business. πŸ‘‰ If your page is a business account, but for some reason, it is currently connected as personal, please connect it accordingly to ensure the automated posting flow.

Posting Process

Before you begin

  • πŸ‘‰ Download the PromoRepublic mobile app based on your phone type:

  • πŸ‘‰ Log in the same way as on the desktop: email/password or Facebook.

    There are two ways to log in PromoRepublic on the desktop: with email or Facebook. To avoid any access issues, please keep this minor but very important step in mind. Otherwise, the app won't let you sign in with Facebook if you initially used an email for desktop authorization. Or vice versa.

  • πŸ‘‰ If you have several Instagram accounts, first switch to the necessary one in the Instagram app on your phone.

For Android devices

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to post to Instagram personal on Android.

  1. Once the post is scheduled for a particular day and time, you will receive a notification on your phone when it's time to publish it.

    • When scheduling a post to several Instagram accounts, you will get notifications for each post separately.

  2. You can open the app, navigate to theΒ On HoldΒ section and find the post you need.

  3. Click on the Publish button to start the publishing process.

  4. You'll see a pop-up message informing you that the caption (if any) is automatically copied, so you don't have to rewrite it; just paste it in the final step. Just hit OK to proceed to the next step.

  5. There will be a list of apps at the bottom. Select Instagram Feed.

    πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄ At this stage, you're redirected to the Instagram app. PromoRepublic app can't trace the actions that you'll apply next. If, for any reason, you will not proceed further with the post-publication, it will be marked as published in the calendar even if it is not.

  6. You are directed to the Instagram app and see regular Instagram functionality. Feel free to adjust the image, add music, text, etc, and click Next at the bottom right.

  7. Now, paste the caption, if any, by tapping and holding the text field. Feel free to add music, location, tag people, etc.

  8. Finally, click Share at the bottom. πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄ Only after clicking Share will the post actually be published to your Instagram personal page.

The same flow should be applied for story posting, except you should choose the Stories option instead of Feed.

For iOS devices

Here is a step-by-step guide on how to post to Instagram Personal on iPhone.

  1. Once the post is scheduled for a particular day and time, you will receive a notification on your phone when it's time to publish it.

    • When scheduling a post to several Instagram accounts, you will get notifications for each post separately.

  2. You can open the app, navigate to the On Hold section and find the post you need.

  3. Click on the Publish button to start the publishing process.

  4. A pop-up message will emerge informing you that the caption (if any) is automatically copied, so you don't have to rewrite it; just paste it in the final step. Just click on 'Go to Instagram' to proceed to the next step.

  5. Click Continue to move forward.

  6. Tap Post at the bottom and Next at the top right. You'll see regular Instagram functionality where you can adjust the image, add music, text, etc. Click Next at the bottom right.

  7. Now, paste the caption, if any, by tapping and holding the text field. Feel free to add music, location, tag people, etc.

  8. Finally, click Share at the bottom. πŸ”΄πŸ”΄πŸ”΄ Only after clicking Share will the post actually be published to your Instagram personal page.

    For your convenience, we created a short video tutorial to demonstrate the steps described above.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at
​[email protected].

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