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Local Visibility Analytics

Find out key local visibility metrics of your locations

Kate avatar
Written by Kate
Updated over a week ago

How can this help?

  • Local Visibility displays local ranking across all locations on the map and on leaderboard views.

  • You'll see in which areas your business dominates in local search results and where there’s room for improvement.

  • It will help you understand the ranking not just location by location but also overall health and average ranking.

  • The map illustrates which states or countries within selected locations have the highest or the lowest ALR (average local ranking).

What can you see in the Local Visibility report?

Total Ranked Keywords

Metric Name


How It's Calculated


Total Ranked Keywords

Total number of keywords ranked.

For all selected locations with local ranking setup during the chosen timeframe.

Keyword Ranking

Fluctuations in keyword rank over time.

Shows the movement of keyword ranks across all selected search engines over the chosen timeframe.

Ranking Table

Display of keyword ranks by search engine.

Columns for keywords and respective search engines showing dynamic keyword rank results for the chosen timeframe.

Ranking by Location

Ranking by Location shows an aggregated location performance by region, where an average rating of the region is based on the location of the search engine position in the area for the selected period.

Metric Name


How It's Calculated


Ranking by Location

Average ranking based on location search engine position.

For all locations during the chosen timeframe with local ranking setup. Calculated based on search engine position for the region.


Here, you can see the number of locations, keywords, and positions in each search engine and the average rating of these locations for the set period. The Leaderboard displays the local ranking for all your locations.

Metric Name


How It's Calculated



Locations' positions in each search engine.

Displays the rank of locations across selected search engines and their average rating for the chosen timeframe.

Metric Name



Total Ranked Locations

The total number of locations where Local Ranking is turned on.

Total Ranked Keywords

The total number of keywords which is set up in the Local Ranking settings.

Average Rating

The average Google Business Profile ratio for all locations.

Total Reviews

The total number of reviews for all locations.

Average Local Rank

The average rank for each of your locations. Calculated by sum of search engines/number of search engines.


The name and address of your location.

Average Rating

The average rating for your location from the Google Business Profile account. If your location has several Google Business Profile accounts, the information is taken from the first connected account.

Reviews Count

The total number of reviews for your location from the Google Business Profile account. If your location has several Google Business Profile accounts, the information is taken from the first connected account.

Search Engines (Google Organic, Google Maps, Google Mobile Organic, Google Mobile Maps)

The average rank for each of your search engines is calculated by adding the search engine's ranks for all set-up keywords/number of keywords. It is also calculated for the selected period.

View button

Redirects you to your Local Ranking report for the selected location.

Search Engine Metrics

Metric Name


How It's Calculated


Ranking by Position

Insights into keyword positions in selected engines.

Users select up to 4 search engines, or defaults are used. Ranks are segmented based on position (1, 2-5). Computed twice a month.

Ranking by Engine

The average rank of keywords per engine.

Calculated using the average rank of all keywords for each selected search engine and compared to the previous report period.

Creating a Custom View

  • By default, we present a general view in the dashboard. For your convenience, you can create custom views by segmenting and filtering your Google Business Profiles.

  • In other words, a custom view is a personally created view of the Local Visibility report. You can choose a custom number of locations to track the local visibility.

  • Click on 'Add Filter' at the top left to initiate a segment. For instance, if you’re keen on isolating USA locations, simply select the United States.

  • Сlick 'Save segment', using a descriptive name, such as USA.

Setting Up a Local Visibility Report

  • Local Visibility Analytics is aggregated and based on smaller reports.

  • So, first, you need to set up at least one Local Ranking report for a specific location. The detailed guide below explains how to do that. No worries, it should be easy! 

  • Local Visibility Analytics is a list of all your ranking reports with location segmentation and the ability to select a custom period.

  • Once your first report is collected, we can show this information in the dashboard.

  • All your next local ranking reports will be automatically added to the dashboard.


  • You don’t need to connect any social pages to start using the Local Visibility feature.

  • Creating a report for the first time takes around 40 minutes. To do that, you must find all the necessary information on Google.

  • We collect the results every two weeks, so if you create your first local ranking report on 21 Nov, you will receive a new result on 5 Dec. It will be exceptional if you change your settings and select the Recalculate option.

  • You can export the report into a CSV file as guided here.

  • You can segment by location in any way possible. After the segmentation is completed, you’ll see data for the selected segment.

If you have any further questions, please contact us at
[email protected].

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