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Digital Asset Manager Overview

A guide about Post Ideas

Kate avatar
Written by Kate
Updated over 10 months ago

What's the value?

With our digital asset manager, managing and distributing your brand's content has never been easier. Take advantage of our sorting and filtration features, ensure brand consistency, and create on-brand designs with ease. Our asset manager makes it easy to access and share your content. Try it out today and see the difference it can make for your brand! 

🔸 Ensure Brand Consistency

With our digital asset manager, you can easily distribute your brand's content to all locations. This ensures that your brand's messaging and design remain consistent across all locations and markets.

🔸 Keep Content Distribution and Modification Under Control

Along with the distribution, you can control who has access to your content. With our content organization functionality, you can set specific permissions for different people, ensuring that only the right ones have access to the content they need.

🔸 Create On-Brand Designs with Ease

Our digital asset manager also includes a Graphics Editor, making it easy for you to create on-brand designs from scratch. You'll maintain brand consistency by setting the brand's fonts and colours for a unified look across all marketing designs.

With our drag-and-drop feature, you can easily customize and create your own content within the asset manager. This allows franchisees to localize creatives and maintain brand consistency easily.

Content Hub

As an admin and the master account owner, you can manage the post ideas in the Content Hub settings. This will help you provide the best content for your end users and improve their overall experience. To access it, click at the top right corner.

What can you do within the Content Hub Settings? Lots of things! Here are the key ones:

🔸 Activate or Deactivate templates

In the Templates and Categories section, you can filter templates by category or activity. By checking the box next to a template, you can activate or deactivate it. This is useful if you have templates that are only relevant for certain periods of time or for specific projects. When a template is deactivated, it will not appear in the Templates Dashboard, making it easier to focus on the templates that are currently in use.

🔸 Sorting templates

You can also sort templates by the most or least used or clicked. This allows you to see which templates are most popular among your end users. By knowing which templates are being used the most, you can make informed decisions about which content is most effective for your audience.

🔸 Bulk Actions

With the bulk action feature, you can select one, several, or all templates to activate,  deactivate or upload them at once. This is especially useful if you have a large number of posts and need to make changes quickly. You can also assign Labels or Tags to multiple templates at once, saving you time and effort.

To learn more about Content Hub settings, click here.

How do you use content?

Once the content is set up by the admin, the end users see the Asset Manager and the Post Ideas this way:

  • on the left, there are folders and sub-folders

  • the posts are on the center-right

  • at the top right, they can sort and filter the content

There are several ways how you can search for the content here. First of all, we suggest checking the left side. The posts are contained in folders and subfolders, which makes them easy to navigate, as shown in the example below.

Search by keyword

Use the search bar on the top right-hand side of the page. When you enter a keyword, the necessary content is searched for in titles, descriptions, and metatags that will populate for you to choose from.

Sort and filter

The Asset Manager overview page allows sorting assets so that you can keep track of the recently published, oldest assets or usage count. Using filters or the search bar, assets will be automatically ordered based on relevance. By default, the assets in Post Ideas are sorted by Date Published + Asset connection to the upcoming event.

Next to the sorting, there is a Filters button at the top right of the Asset Manager overview. You can filter the posts by the asset type, language, country, and the time they were added. We support 4 types of assets:

  • Image (an uploaded photo)

  • Template (a layered image created in the Editor; templates can be edited)

  • GIF (in mp4 format)

  • Video

What information does an asset contain?

  • A preview

  • An icon that indicates the type of asset

  • Title (optional)

  • Campaign and folder tags that are clickable. Once you click on the tag, you’ll be directed to the corresponding campaign/folder. (optional)

  • Text (optional)

  • Link to an article (optional)

When you hover over an asset, you’ll be able to:

  • Use and save it to My Ideas

  • See the number of times the asset was used

How to use it?

Once you find the asset you need, hover over it with a cursor and click Use. It's that simple! The system will transfer you to the post editor window, where you can do plenty of things with the selected post, such as:

- etc.

To see how it looks and functions on mobile, navigate to this article.

If it was helpful, give it a 😃 reaction. In case you have any other questions, feel free to message us at [email protected]

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