Token Expiration

What is early page reconnection and why is it necessary?

Kate avatar
Written by Kate
Updated over a week ago

To deliver timely publishing of scheduled posts and correct analytics, the social network pages should have constant active linkage with the PromoRepublic platform. In other words, we must have your permission to post on your behalf. This is called a token. The token's lifespan is not lifetime and must be refreshed regularly.

To prevent post failures, you can now effortlessly keep track of token issues. You can find information about pages that need to be reconnected in the Calendar, Post Form, Location List, and the dedicated Issues page. Also, pop-ups and emails.

We will send you notifications in the following cases:

  • If your token has already expired or will expire in 10 days

  • If you didn’t reconnect the page, we will send you a new alert within 3 days of the expiration date.

Note that emails and popups will be sent to all the participants of the location.


Once you log in to PromoRepublic, in a bit of a second, the system checks all the connected social pages and their tokens. When it detects that some tokens will expire in the near future, it displays a pop-up window with a request to reconnect the page.

After you click on the red Reconnect button, the new confirmation window from the social network will be shown. You will see the pages that you have admin rights to, and you will have to confirm that you agree to prolong the access rights to SocialPost (a purple thumb-up icon).


Below is an example of an email prompting you to reconnect the page.

If you missed either a pop-up or an email, you can reset the token differently.


From now on, you can stay up-to-date with ease. PromoRepublic has added an icon to identify pages that need to be reconnected, and also these disconnected pages will be highlighted in already-posted posts.

Post Form

Don't worry if you select a page with an expired token. We've got you covered, ensuring you stay informed and aware - you'll see a red reconnect button.

Location List

In addition to the above, you can quickly identify which of your locations have issues on the Location List.

Issues Page

Finally, and most importantly, there is a dedicated page showcasing all pages that require reconnection. The list displays pages where tokens are close to or have already passed their expiration date. You can find it in General Menu → Issues. The number displays how many pages need reconnection.

To better serve you, we have also made the Issues page accessible to everyone in the location. However, please note that we cannot determine if you have permission to reconnect the page. If this is the case, we will recommend contacting the page administrator for assistance.

Manual reset

Regardless of the way you prefer, if you can't manage to reauthorize SocialPost by clicking on the red reconnect button, there is another way.

For LinkedIn, disconnect your page and connect it back. This action will trigger the permission pop-up.

For Facebook, head over to this detailed step-by-step guide.

If you have any further questions, please email us at [email protected].

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